Are you feeling the urge to tackle home maintenance this season? While you're probably up on the basics of spring-cleaning, like washing windows, cleaning blinds and shampooing rugs, there are several areas you may overlook.
Smoke Alarms• Rather than wait for the telltale chirp signifying low power, use daylight saving time or a holiday like Memorial Day as a reminder to replace the batteries in all of your home's smoke and carbon monoxide alarms.
Medicine Cabinets
• If vitamins, prescriptions and other medication are unused or expired, safely purge them. Not everything should go in the trash, though. Determine if you can flush what you have or if you need to find a location that will dispose of it for you.
• Stale spices and expired canned goods are candidates for the waste bin. Take this opportunity to wipe down shelves, reorganize the contents and make a list of needed supplies.
• Have you thought about cleaning the machines that do the cleaning for you? This simple task can help your washing machine, dishwasher and other gadgets run more efficiently.
Ceiling Fans
• When was the last time you removed the dust that's accumulated on the ceiling fans? If it's been a while, now's the time to tackle it. Simplify the process and trap the dust by slipping a damp pillowcase over each blade and slowly pulling it back. There's no point in cleaning if you're using dirty tools for the job. Be sure to replace sponges regularly and run cleaning cloths through a hot-water cycle in the washer. And don't forget the broom, which deserves a shake, vacuum and hose down to keep it clean and useful.
I'd like to thank Karen Batholomew, of Summit Funding, for this great blog. I stole it from her, with permission of course, becuase I think there are some great tips and reminders in here. If you need any type of loan assistance I highly recommend giving Karen a call.
2016 Women in Wealth Award - BestBusiness Leader in Mortgage Consulting - Alameda County
Karen Bartholomew
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