Monday, May 1, 2017

Checklist That’s not Just for Tracy Homes for Sale

 It’s that time of year again when those of us who write about Tracy homes for sale and related matters have a hard choice to make: do I run the risk of boring everyone to death by writing the same ol’ spring cleaning blog, or can we (please!) just skip it this year?
Despite my inclination to do without it for once, I just couldn't not write it. Maintenance on your home is too important and we all need a reminder from time to time So yes, here is yet another spring maintenance reminder list. 

Of course, clear the gutters, downspouts—and any channel that water finds on your property

Take a look at the roof—if anything looks screwy, best to assume it needs a closer look

Seal the deck (unless you did that last year, in which case check whether it’s still doing its sealing job—with weather like we’ve had, it might not last another season)

Inspect the driveway and walks

Do a test run of the sprinkler system

Change smoke and carbon monoxide alarm batteries

Change air filters

Take a leisurely stroll around the house to check for infestations (“leisurely” because the evidence can be minuscule)

This isn’t an exhaustive list, so as you’re taking the leisurely stroll you’ll probably notice one or two details that can use attention: some caulking here, a screen that could use replacement there. 
And here are the reasons why I always wind up deciding to repeat the same old points:

1. Because first-time homeowners often need to be reminded that now they make up the first line of defense

2. Because if and when your home comes up for sale, having religiously maintained the place will make a real difference.

3. Because for homeowners, a stitch in time saves nine…ty.

4. Because once you’ve attended to your spring maintenance list, summertime enjoyment of your property won’t be spoiled by nagging upkeep worries

That last one could be the most important. Your Tracy home will only come up for sale one time, but you can enjoy it year after year when you feel good about how it’s cared for. But from my point of view, when the day comes that your Tracy home really is on the market, not having to scramble to correct maintenance lapses makes the whole process that much easier. Then all you have to do is give me a call!

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